Tuesday, November 16, 2010

4 New Arrivals!

For a while now we've been contemplating getting chickens, so finally we've decided to do something about it!

Took a few days but hubby built a lovely wooden coop ('windows' will be 'installed' later on), together with a fenced off area behind the shed, so that we can leave them roaming around when we're not around without worrying that a cat or bird will attack them.

So what did we get? We wanted something small (don't have too much space), cute (not too much into boring looking chooks) and that lays eggs (what's the point of having chickens if they don't lay eggs, right?).

So that we can start getting some eggs in the near future, we got two grown up chooks and two 'babies' (who will lay eggs once grown up).

The babies were sleeping when I took the photo, so they don't look too happy!

The twins (that's what I'm calling them for now - let me know if you have any other suggestions, but they do look alike!) were happy to just peck the ground - reminded me of my son and the way he's drawn to eating sand and mud..

This one's a little poser!! 

We got our chickens from Fleur at Book-A-Chook and they have a range of cute, small chickens. If you'd like to try out having chickens,  they also rent them with the coop and all!

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