Friday, October 21, 2011

Lego Cake

We recently celebrated our son's 3rd Birthday.. So it was time to make a cake!
A nice carrot cake inside from a recipe that can be found here .. and colourful cream cheese icing outside!

I baked twice the portion of the cake, which was just the right amount of cake for the lego man cake. We printed off an A4 sized lego man picture we found on google which I used as a rough guide for the shapes..

The cake was made in parts: head and torso, legs, two separate arms, head 'bobble' and hands... the hands were made from smaller rectangular pieces leaning into each other to make a rounded shape... I used some toothpicks to hold the smaller pieces (like hands, head 'bobble', arms) in place.

I added food colouring to the cheese icing and used licorice for the facial details.

Here's the before picture:

and here's the after:

I thought it was a pretty good first effort!

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